Sketchbook project signup extended to Nov 15!

Hi all,
I've signed up to do a little sketchbook full of creative stuff on the theme of "Down Your Street" and submit it to be part of the 2011 Sketchbook Project.  

I was going to do an imaginary tour of a street going all the way from California to New York, but after hanging around my new town of Bolinas for a while, realized that I could fill a whole book by just capturing (in various ways) things about the street that goes down from my house to the beach, up to Brighton Street, back around through the little town and back to my house.  So I think I'm doing that.

Can't wait to see this collection on tour!

Just saw that the deadline to sign up and be part of this was extended to November 15, so please join me.

You have until January 15, 2011 to make your creations in the sketchbook and mail it back to the Art House Co-op, who are coordinating all of this goodness.  (Postmarked Jan 15.)

If you sign up, let me know!


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